Demand Management through the Integration of UNIFY OSCC with TALAIA

As a client of TALAIA wanted a web form to be developed through which projects could be created, so we got down to work. This was possible thanks to the integration carried out from the tool itself with Unify’s OpenScape Contact Center.

The first step was to develop the web form accessible from any browser, which allows petitioners to fill in the fields indicated, manage the processing and storage of the data entered, which once filled in and sent generate a new record in the database of applications. The form, once filled in and sent, recreates a demand management process with its validation flow. When the process is finished and if the demand is accepted, the integration consists of automating the creation of a new project in the TALAIA tool itself, also adding certain data from the form to fields in the TALAIA initiation tab.

In order for these instructions to be transferred, the integration between the tool, OpenScape Contact web form was applied. This gave us the necessary reliability and requirement to integrate the customer’s needs, adding new functionalities and all this from the cloud.

A mockup was provided in which the proposals for the web forms were shown following the styles of the website.

All of this was hosted on own servers, and following the specifications suggested by TALAIA. Compatible with their browsers approved and in languages approved and developed in a responsive manner to ensure correct display on different devices.

The solution provided to this request consisted of the web application within an application server that included the Project Application and the database where the information provided within the project management tool Talaia is stored. An interaction process is created in each of the previous systems through integration, which means that with all the data provided, a project is started in the tool that will be given a status, from which it will be possible to manage and work on a regular basis from TALAIA.

Without a doubt, it is yet another example of the versatility of our project management tool.


Competitive advantage with Project Management

As our PMO Squad partner Joe Pusz explains in this article, having good project management in your company gives you a great advantage over your competitors.

Competitive advantages are conditions that allow a company to produce a service of equal value at a lower price. These conditions allow the productive entity to generate more sales or higher margins than its competitors in the market. Competitive advantages are attributed to a variety of factors including cost structure, brand, product offer quality, distribution network, intellectual property and customer service.

So how to integrate project management with your own organization. Think about how many projects are being carried out. Tens, hundreds or even thousands of projects a year, depending on the size of the organization. And how successful those projects are, because as far as we know from PMI reports, every year only about 50% of the projects end on schedule, end within budget or within the defined scope. Also, about 10% of project budgets are wasted because of poor performance. This figure is considered low because of all the informal projects that are executed by Project Managers and for which no information is reported.

If an organization has an average project execution performance, then only 50% of the projects will be successful. What if it could be improved to 75-25 or 90-10? We know that the competition also averages 50-50 project success. If you can increase the project success rate to 75% or 90%, you build a competitive advantage. Producing products or services more efficiently, faster and cheaper than the competition.

Too much time is spent in this sector exploring the disadvantages of project management rather than focusing on how to use project management to gain a competitive advantage. You need to understand how to motivate people to deliver results rather than focus on project governance, checklists and process audits.

The author of the article believes that Project Management leaders need to understand the purpose of Project Management within organizations. Starting with why. And once the purpose has been identified then build the HOW and WHAT to be able to achieve the purpose and gain the necessary competitive advantage.

New Portfolio Management module TALAIA

New Portfolio Management module TALAIA

Many organizations excel in the management of projects but do not have a mature portfolio management process. This results in a non-alignment of the projects and programs with the strategy. A proper project execution alone is not enough and organizations have to identify and select projects they should invest into.

The portfolio Management focus on decision making which programs and projects should be executed based on the strategic goals and objectives.

Benefits of Portfolio Analysis

  • Align Projects with business objectives.
  • Prioritize initiatives and projects base on multiple criterias
  • Maximize return on investment
  • All the organization areas share the same project risk vision and collaborate in the decision process
  • Information consolidation, avoiding projects duplication and leave out lower value ones
  • Improve projects recource planning and assignment and concentrate investment on high value projects

Portfolio Lifecycle

The different features of the portfolio module enable you to easily create, manage portfolios and strategical objectives. Start by defining strategical objectives, group them using pre-determinated criterias.

Upload related projects to the portfolio and add their impact on the defined strategical objectives.

Use the waterline graph to get the list of elected projects based upon budget or priority on the company objectives.

Follow up on your Potfolio progress browsing through the graphs showing the status progress. Visualize all the projects included in your portfolio with our kanban boards.

Try TALAIA 30 days for free: register

Include the Project Strategy in the Corporate Strategy


The way in which projects are managed and executed is very closely related to the success of the organization, as everything is linked. The strategy is the plan of action that makes it possible to achieve the long-term goal. When this aspect is taken into account, it makes perfect sense for projects to be managed in accordance with the strategy and for it to be aligned with the corporate strategy. The project strategy is important for every company.

How does corporate strategy impact project strategy?

A project strategy will be based on the corporate strategy, which will allow the business to implement its overall strategy. Communication is key, as without it there can be problems and difficulties in understanding what is being done in the project, creating a management failure.

The strategy of a project are all those aspects related to the life cycle of the project, know which review points are key to ensure that the project is well managed.

When the management team of the organization elaborates the corporate strategy it decides what it is going to do and how it is going to do it. An important component in the implementation of projects is important in the way they carry out the strategy they will follow with the project strategy. Strategy means having an action plan, through which measures must be taken to ensure that processes are in place to carry out projects and that objectives are achieved.

A clear direction provided from senior management to ensure that the project is kept on track, with a critical role in the impact of the strategy and the achievement of the organization’s goals. If we have a PMO that manages the project efficiently, with good communication throughout the project, there is a better chance that the strategy will be achieved and that the desired long-term results will be obtained.

Project management is often a central process within the global business model. Programmes and projects enable the organisation to effect change in a managed and controlled manner. Emphasizing that many companies consider that program management involves the management of corporate profits, creating the distinction of project management.

Project management tools and principles that help advance business strategy

Project management tools and principles are important for the effective advancement of business strategy. They help work on the project to keep corporate objectives and strategies aligned. That, from there, tools like TALAIA can help to know who needs to do what and when, so that the milestones can be delivered on time. The control of changes that occur is also important to have them controlled and related to the objectives.

Project portfolio management is important and central to the prioritization of projects and programmes, as well as to the allocation of resources. It is also important to realise that value management is a key aspect of the project strategy, which works to ensure that value is being created through the project. While risk management is also deployed to ensure that all risks to the project strategy and consequently to the overall corporate strategy are identified, assessed, understood and mitigated. With revisions and changes it is possible to affirm that the project strategy works to offer the best possible value with well managed risks.

In conclusion, for a project to be successful it must be executed according to a project strategy aligned with the overall corporate strategy, which will be communicated so that the organization can have controls to ensure that the project is managed in such a way as to meet the objectives.

Discover TALAIA

TALAIA cooperates with Project .Pax

Project. Pax participes of Project Management course in UBA (University of Buenos Aires).

Our partner in Argentina, Marcelo Collia, is doing a masteclass of Project Management in the University of Buenos Aires. The studies are based in the improvement of learned process, in particular way for the retention of concepts and the concepts formation. The lessons are divided in project teams and every team have been changed the rols for experiment the diferent perspectives of the reallity in Project Management. On every phase of simulation the students generate a discussion about the differents alternatives and every team applies during the simulation. Of these way students are combinated the differents phases of listening, reading, looking, demonstring, argueing and practicing the methodology. The simulation apports a real situation inside a organization with process of lanch project and organizational components about Lessons Learned and Risks.

This course is inside speciallity of Project Management about Marketing & Management studies.

What kind of profiles can access to this course? A professionals that manage and got responsabilities on the development of programs and projects, directors and coordinators of team work of jobs in private organizations or public institutions, also too, people who want manage their professional want change their career direction to programs and projects or management organizators for executed projects.

TALAIA OpenPPM allows to the students could access a simulator when they have the initiative during the course and once finished the studies. One of clear vocations of TALAIA always has been the docence on the effective management of the projects, from their beginings are present at universities and studies of superior education for the use of students. For this reason TALAIA not only helps to students also too help the companies that want improve their projects and put in the real situations for a real jobs.


TALAIA’s video tutorial

TALAIA’s video tutorial,

These tutorials are a support complement to start working with TALAIA on a more visual way. TALAIA OpenPPM allows enter and manage all projects without need download software. Try our free version and see for yourself how easy is manage your projects and investments.


On these first video its know about the multiple options that Talaia allows, segmented the information on profiles with differents users and departments, you could dreate all departments as the organization needs. Video 1



On the next video its show step by step how add a project since begining in Talaia. Video 2

We hope that its been so helpfull!

The principal features of TALAIA are: allow objectives, select, plan, control and priorize the portfolio of projects, unifiying all he information for a centralized administration trought programs and invertions.

From Talaia we install, configure and manage all the points of beginings of the tool, like the initial charge of projets, mantence and support necessaries to work in the most optimal conditions and with the maximal profite. Talaia allows you select the best model for the needs of your organization: On Premise, Cloud and Saas.

Our tool offers a central vision of alls projects and initiatives that manage a company, making easy the access to the executive update and structured information on inmediate way for the dashboards and reports.

The proposal is a high governance solution inspired by PMBOK standards, that helps to unifiying the information and introducing the company inside a good practices culture with the business srategy. 

New partner for Center America and Caribbean

Fresh news, we have a new partner for the Center America and Caribbean zones, ACC Corp!!

In this new adventure Rodrigo Baccaro is our new team member, Cum Laude on MBA in Project Management for the UVG-Guatemala, PMP certificated for the Project Management Institute (PMI), is expert working with team works, helping to allow the goals and maximizating the results. Specialist in executive coaching and teams, in portfolio management consulting, programs and projects, also too in develop and management of empresarial strategy, as too strategies in direction and management of projects.

He count with a nomerous experience in:

  • Executive and Team coaching
  • Portfolio, programs and projects management applies the good practicies of PMI
  • Project Management
  • Planification and structured of investment projects
  • Financial analyctics project
  • Leader in management systems  implementation (HACCP, FSSC, ISO)

ACC Corp includes TALAIA inside of their portfolio of solutions and it is our partner to Center America and Caribbean zones.





Nowadays we are in an environment where is necessary that the companies know about the difference between governance management and operative tasks management for the better results of work.

The corporate governance management abilities the organization, identifies and select the investments that maximize the profit of business. Meanwhile the operative management possibilities to the company give with exit the business opportunities selected. The governance supposes the necessities, conditions and options to determine the goals will be reals, configurated for director’s trough priorization and making decisions and monitoring the job. For these reasons the governance management may: evaluating and determine the objectives of company to allow, direct, decide and follow the progress of projects and programs to principal objectives.

The task management planning, building, executing and monitoring the activities of low level that have to do for the consecution of the good execution of projects.

To understand better this distinction, it is necessarily seen that the governance management is responsibility of executives of task management of the teams. Involving the organization to the extreme at extreme, creating a unique environment job, allowing that the complete system works in a different way of that was joining the work of everyone on teams.

Without a distinction exists a risk in relation of responsibilities to different levels, existing tools that helps, integrating and complementing, that helps to allows a controlled management of projects since the start to the end, in addition stablishing a strategy in base of goals, defining and recompilation data that allows the development of business and monitoring the progress.

In a practice way, we could put of example Jira as a task tool. In the way of portfolio management tool, Talaia is a good example.

The management of governance is a model that allows to a better dialogue and model of negotiation. Stablish horizontal relations. Gruppe parts, process, models of decisions, tools, confinable communication and repeatable inside environment of project. Defining roles and prove the efficiency of Project Manager, gives his marge for take decisions.

The governability of projects that allows TALAIA involves process, tools, standards, responsibilities, etc. The team continues being responsive of planification, execution, control and closing. And how to say PMI, the governability of projects works in a supervision way alienating with the model of governance of company, including the all the cycle life of project.

Inside of governance management, the PMBOK methodology is that allows generate an environment of governability in a project, like the process to identify, scale and resolve inconvenient that could happen during the projects, the relations with teams or external groups. Facilities the process to the communication of information, making decisions of projects, giving guides to alienating the governability of projects with the organization. As too facilities the review of phases, approve changes on the bullet, the distance, the quality and the control of chronogram, adjusting to the interested with the requisites of projects.

For the tasks management, the Kanban methodology is an effective and agile model to the following of tasks projects. All the members of the team could visualize that they can do, they may do, they are doing or in that moment of task is the team now, etc. Visualizing the goals and pendent tasks or that been affected for something reason. Allowing make notifications, adjunct files, comments, charts and more.

The conclusion that we can extract of this comparative between operative tasks and governance tools resides on that the best part of a project is finding in the combination of the two tools that complementing one to other, giving the worst part of tasks and the governance, allowing the totality of the project process.


Strategies to giving priority to the projects. Harvard Business Review


We reccomend you this new post of Harvard Business Review about how priorize projects on an organization and about how manage with a lot of projects that are not allineated and they consume more resources than necessaries or that overgate the teams of work, concluding why happened these and what you do about for resolve it.

As to say Rodrigo Baccaro in her post blog it is interesant see how the technology trough of tools of following are becoming essentials and necessaries for the identification of an initiatives, making these execution from close of the same for could have in hand information that allows make desitions when its desires priorize.

We recommend read this article to whose found with a big quantities of projects in hands and are concient that they need project management tools to not loose the destination.