
Nowadays we are in an environment where is necessary that the companies know about the difference between governance management and operative tasks management for the better results of work. The corporate governance management abilities the organization, identifies and select the investments that maximize the profit of business. Meanwhile the operative management possibilities to the company […]

Strategies to giving priority to the projects. Harvard Business Review
We reccomend you this new post of Harvard Business Review about how priorize projects on an organization and about how manage with a lot of projects that are not allineated and they consume more resources than necessaries or that overgate the teams of work, concluding why happened these and what you do about for […]

7 details of TALAIA. PPM tool
Talaia offers a centralized vision for all your projects and initiatives. Through Dashboards and customized reports, it helps you to make your first steps in the governance world accessing a structured and up to date executive information. Our goal is to provide a governance solution based on the PMBOK® standards to help unify […]

TALAIA in Project Management Office Hours radio show
As we had already announced in our previous post about the expansion of Talaia by the North American market. Last week we had the opportunity to participate in the radio show Project Management Office Hours, which we sponsored together with THE PMO SQUAD. So we had the pleasure of attending in live and talking about […]

Join our team!
Do you like join to a dinamic and entrepreneurial team? We are looking for some Programmer Analyst JAVA with 3 years or more experience for long-term projects. It is necessary knowledge about: Java/J2EE Node JS Angular JS Javascript Java Server Faces (JSF) Maven Struts Spring JPA, Hibernate JQuery Servlets, Web Services, SOAP Also be […]

Roles and Users of TALAIA
Talaia is based on a clear and simple vision of initiatives and projects. It helps assessing, estimating and fulling objectives and therefore, generating more confidence in the team and management decision making. Prioritize projects, programs and initiatives thanks to a unique source of information, increase your return on investment and efficiency. Achieve your objectives, maximize […]

Reasons to use TALAIA
From the moment that projects are realized and teams have to divide the work, one of problems are that use so many tools to plan, give and execute. This process difficult the communication and the fast evolution of job. Talaia is the tool that unify all in one to work in the better conditions, helping […]

Free Webinar
The principal objective of this Webinar its will see how TALAIA OpenPPM project portfolio management tool works, with its funcionalities, last updates versions implemented in May and the Resource Scenario Simulator. Allows work in fast, easy and efficient way. Monitoring and adjusting job of differents projects in the same time. Providing a quick vision […]

What trends shaping the future of Project Management?
At the same time that science, technology, markets and society, the Project Management world progress in fast mood. Professional Project Manager has to want learn and know about it. This post has to show the secrets for not staying back and adapt you to this time. These trends are: Online formation. Front to a […]

5 skills every Project Manager should have
Speaks today about Project Manager profile is important. Don’t find any organization that not have in its personal. We are talk about whose people that manage since start to execution of project, organizing the necessary resources for complement the job with exit. Must be a professional with many leader abilities that helps to consecution of […]