Free Trial TALAIA OpenPPM 30 Days!
You will be able to try out TALAIA OpenPPM for free for an entire month. This free trial month includes: The most recent version containing all of its functions. User name and password to access. A trial with various profiles according to the user’s role. A complete aid guide. Completely in the cloud, no need […]
Free Webinar on December 21st at 17: 30h GMT + 1 Spain. Duration: approximately 60 minutes. Registration required.
In this second workshop we will see the continuation of the webinar management TALAIA OpenPPM acquisitions. What does it consist in? Talaia OpenPPM users will be able to implement these management capabilities acquisitions and certain features to manage the sale of projects, pipeline management, etc. Talaia OpenPPM allows procurement project management consistently with the PMBOK […]