New Portfolio Management module TALAIA
Many organizations excel in the management of projects but do not have a mature portfolio management process. This results in a non-alignment of the projects and programs with the strategy. A proper project execution alone is not enough and organizations have to identify and select projects they should invest into.
The portfolio Management focus on decision making which programs and projects should be executed based on the strategic goals and objectives.
Benefits of Portfolio Analysis
- Align Projects with business objectives.
- Prioritize initiatives and projects base on multiple criterias
- Maximize return on investment
- All the organization areas share the same project risk vision and collaborate in the decision process
- Information consolidation, avoiding projects duplication and leave out lower value ones
- Improve projects recource planning and assignment and concentrate investment on high value projects
Portfolio Lifecycle
The different features of the portfolio module enable you to easily create, manage portfolios and strategical objectives. Start by defining strategical objectives, group them using pre-determinated criterias.
Upload related projects to the portfolio and add their impact on the defined strategical objectives.
Use the waterline graph to get the list of elected projects based upon budget or priority on the company objectives.
Follow up on your Potfolio progress browsing through the graphs showing the status progress. Visualize all the projects included in your portfolio with our kanban boards.
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