New Partner TALAIA OpenPPM in Chile

We have recently incorporated a new Partner in Chile from TALAIA OpenPPM B&C Consultants.

B & C Asesores y Consultores, company founded in 2010 in response to the need for companies to outsource those functions that are related to information technologies, whether those functions that are part of the value chain of their products, or Of those that are part of the core of your business. In this way, efficiency, quality and opportunity are pursued in the execution of the functions, as well as maximize the benefits of the business of its clients. A future is a company with expectations to be recognized in the reference market in the field of technologies that deliver their customers quality services and competitive. Consultancies deliver IT services that enable its customers to differentiate themselves and generate added value to their products and services by using information technologies allowing them to more profitable businesses.

B & C Asesores y Consultores, Services:

Requirements Engineering: A good survey of requirements in IT projects is key to that softrware to develop components meet functional expectations of end users. In this respect B & C Ltda. Offers its customers the service requirements engineering where our business engineers involved in the initial phase of the project, raising requirements and proposing in turn process improvements. As a communication tool with users we use UML modeling language and Use Cases.

Business Process Modeling Our engineers have extensive experience in business process modeling in different industries and use standard modeling languages in the market such as BPMN and modeling support tools such as BizAgi and Apia Facillis

Outsoursing Our outsourcing service is oriented to a key aspect within IT projects, IT Project Management. The success of any project depends on the good management of the human and material resources used in its execution. For this, it is essential that this management be accompanied by the use of methodologies that meet the best market practices in this discipline. Our professionals have vast experience in the management of IT projects, with mastery of methodologies such as SCRUM and good practices such as those formalized in PMI’s PMBOOK. This minimizes the risks and obtains projects very close to what the client expects.

Web Portals We develop web portals through the use of open source tools, so implementing a website has tangible benefits to the client such as the speed of implementation and its cost since the client should not incur software development costs or licenses software. Our web portals are implemented with open source tools such as: Joomla, Drupal and WordPress.

Workflow We have the expertise to implement an open source workflow tool that has world class features with web interface, workflow design, user roles, forms design, sending emails, flows with decisions, task tray, etc. By contracting our Joget Workflow 2.0 implementation service, you will not have to incur costs of developing a workflow for your business or software licenses or database, the costs involved are related to the accomplishment of a good design of the Workflows, form design and configuration and implementation activities, contact us and you will be amazed.

TALAIA OpenPPM Partners of TALAIA OpenPPM, experts in our Software in the implementation and sale of services. Experts in Project Management with a trajectory in our tool of years managing projects with it. See more at: #sthash.bnkvsx77.dpuf