How to determine the IP address for the application 17-08-2016 Creator: Corey McDougall

Home Forums How to determine the IP address for the application 17-08-2016 Creator: Corey McDougall

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    I used the easy install method to setup openPPM on a VM using Virtual Box. All went well and I was able to login but did not see the IP address for logging into the application through a browser as per page 11 of the installation guide. I tried using the IP address (from a ipconfig command) of the adapter used in the setup 9VirtualBox Host-Only) appended with port 8080 and /openppm but received a ‘page cannot be displayed. Help please!



    -Talaia (22-08-2016)

    Hi Corey,

    In order to get a proper IP Address from the Virtual Box, you need to make sure to choose the proper Network bridge which is different if you are using a LAN Internet connection or a WiFi connection.
    Double check this. It is usually what is causing the problem.




    -Corey McDougall (24-08-2016)

    Hello Fabrice,

    Thank-you for getting back to me. I am using my wireless adapter (Intel Centrino N6) and I’ve confirmed it is selected in the VirtualBox configuration and is the active adapter in my network settings yet it still does not return an IP address in the summary section after login. I ran ipconfig and see an address corresponding to the VirtualBox of which I tried browsing to with my host name appended (ie. http:\\openppm) from the same laptop but no such luck. Thought localhost might also work but it does not. I’ll try a wired network connection and see if I have any better luck.



    -Corey McDougall (24-08-2016)

    I resolved my issue. I believe VirtualBox version 5.1.2 no longer outputs the ip address in the command prompt dialog box. Used ifconfig to return the address and entered this into my web browser adding port 8080 and the openppm at the end.

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